12 December 2004
John 3:22-36
Time: 18.00pm
28 November 2004
Matthew 6:16-18
Time: 18.00pm
24 October 2004
Matthew 27:41-43
Time: 10.30am
25 April 2004
Matthew 8:5-13
Time: 10.30am
John 15:1-11
Time: 18.00pm
11 April 2004
1 Corinthians 15:12-28
Time: 10.30am
21 December 2003
John 1:14a
John 1:14
Time: 10.30am
John 1:14b
John 1:14
Time: 18.00pm
14 December 2003
Psalm 103:17,18
Psalm 103:17
Time: 10.30am
20 April 2003
The Ascended Christ
Acts 2:22-41
Time: 10.30am
Seated in Heavenly Places
Ephesians 2:1-10
Time: 18.00pm
18 April 2003
The Crucified Christ
Matthew 27:27-46
Time: 10.30am
13 April 2003
Antidotes to Losing Heart
2 Corinthians 4
Time: 10.30am
22 December 2002
The WORD Became Flesh
John 1:14
Time: 10.30am
The Word Became FLESH
John 1:14
Time: 18.00pm
20 October 2002
Cain and Abel
Genesis 4:1-16
Time: 10.30am
The rich man and Lazarus
Luke 16:19-31
Time: 18.00pm
15 September 2002
18 August 2002
Luke 15:11-32
Time: 10.30am
28 July 2002
Luke 15:1-7
Time: 10.30am
21 July 2002
Luke 15:1-10
Time: 10.30am
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